This is a Dave Sellars creation up in the hills beyond the hamlet of Warren VT! Made entirely out of pured concrete! Absolutely beautiful if you ask me and just about ready for habitation...Oh how I wish...
Instead of having an actual website... Which I can't afford! I have THIS
I want to see larger photos of this house, and details...
Hi Karin. i came across your work researching collage online. i too am an artist, or artist in the making i like to call it. I graduated a year ago with a BFA from FIU in miami. I enjoy your collage's and its always good to hear an artist sticking to their guns and dedicating themselves in the field. I have recently began working on a series of collage pieces. Anyway, just wanted to tell you i enjoyed viewing your collage work. and its always motivating seeing other artist working hard on their passion.
Nathaly Lezcano
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